Saturday, December 19, 2009

On the sixth day of Christmas ...

... started with a cricket game, the last one til the end of January. Finn had a good win and more importantly he had lots of fun bowling/batting and fielding.

Today was getting piles of linen, food, clothes etc sorted for our travels over the holidays, and getting house and garden tidied. Nothing too exciting really ...

With being away for Christmas we wanted to take away a small tree with us, unfortunately despite scouring the attic area above the garage we couldn't find our little one?! So I had another idea, after a quick trip to our local Lavender Farm (they have a few craft bits and pieces also) I came home with a trendy new 'tree' (well it is part of one anyway - LOL). To be honest it just looks like a giant branch off a tree that has been sprayed with white paint . Will post a pic tomorrow (camera is chooker at the mo and have to delete a few photos). Am planning on standing this branch in a vase with coloured baubles, then hanging a few small decorations off it - should be very cool!

1 comment:

Mrs Frizz said...

look forward to show and tell of your new 'branch' ...

Might have to show us the lavendar farm when we visit for our scrap camp.